Monthly Archives: August 2016

Vibration Therapy Rockville Medical and Disc Center

Rockville Medical and Disc Center
301 770 9475

On this visit we are going to take all of the information that we obtained from your first visit through the case history, examinations, x rays and other findings that you might brought in. We’re going to go over them and show exactly what is causing or might be causing your condition.

If we accept you as a patient because we don’t’ necessarily accept everybody as a patient because sometimes chiropractor care is not the right treatment for your condition. And if it’s not the right treatment I’m going to direct you to the right avenue that need to get the proper treatment but when you are accepted as a patient in our office, we will go over in detail the treatment plan which will answer your questions.

It’s our goal to get you better. But it’s your goal as a patient help and take active role in your care.

If we accept you as a patient you’re going to get the best possible care at our office and it is also something I feel personally that we can help and get better.”

What To Expect After Your 2nd Visit Report of Findings

Rockville Medical and Disc Center
301 770 9475

On this visit we are going to take all of the information that we obtained from your first visit through the case history, examinations, x rays and other findings that you might brought in. We’re going to go over them and show exactly what is causing or might be causing your condition.

If we accept you as a patient because we don’t’ necessarily accept everybody as a patient because sometimes chiropractor care is not the right treatment for your condition. And if it’s not the right treatment I’m going to direct you to the right avenue that need to get the proper treatment but when you are accepted as a patient in our office, we will go over in detail the treatment plan which will answer your questions.

It’s our goal to get you better. But it’s your goal as a patient help and take active role in your care.

If we accept you as a patient you’re going to get the best possible care at our office and it is also something I feel personally that we can help and get better.

Got Rid the Pain and Numbness with Rockville Chiropractor Care

Finally a Solution for Peripheral Neuropathy in Maryland that will Get Rid of the Pain and Numbness in Your Legs, Feet, and Toes!

No Risk, Free Consultation Visit to See if We Can Help You

Rockville Medical and Disc Center, LLC
Rockville Pain Management
5910 Hubbard Drive
Rockville, MD 20852

Phone: 301 770 9475
Fax: 301-576-7736

Feel Better and Got Better Results with Rockville Chiropractor!

Hi, My name is David and I’ve been coming at Rockville Medical Disc Center for the last month originally had some lower back problems, some right shoulders issues and in the last month I have seen huge difference, I feel a lot better, I am able to exercise a lot better, handle a little bit more weight so I have had great results. I recommend you guys to come at Rockville Medical Disc Center. So Check out Dr. Steve Wander’s office.

What Is Decompression by Rockville Medical and Disc Center

Decompression Therapy is a state-of-the-art computer controlled treatment for herniated or bulging disc in the cervical or lumbar spine.
1. It provides a stretching to the disc and relaxation all controlled by the computer which creates a pumping mechanism within the disc.

2. With our decompression in our office, we utilize vibration as a component because that actually eliminates the body’s natural response to a stretch would be for the muscles spasms and this elliminates that to allow the decompression to be effective.
If you want to see how or if decompression therapy can help your condition please contact our office with no obligation.

Rockville Medical and Disc Center
301 770 9475